Events 2023
The lecture "Health and Safety at Work"
The lecture "Health and Safety at Work" was held on 24th October 2023 in the compartment of Technical University in Zvolen. The Department of Fire Protection of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Tehnology of Technical University in Zvolen in cooperation Labour inspectorate in Banská Bystrica organized the lecture, as part of European week of the Health and safety at work. The Labour inspectorate in Banská Bystrica was represented Ing. Michal Szatmári, PhD. and Ing. Tomáš Šroba.
The lecture „Fire and evacuation elevators“
The Department of Fire Protection of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Tehnology of Technical University in Zvolen in cooperation with the Fire service Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior SR and TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o. organized the lecture „Fire and evacuation elevators“. The lecture was held on 17th October 2023 in the compartment of Technical University in Zvolen. The fire prevention department of Fire service Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior SR was represented by mjr. Ing. Dušan Macášek, PhD. and TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o. represented by Ing. Pavol Hačunda. The presenter explained: • terms - fire and evacuation elevators according to applicable legislation, • clarified the facts that represent the greatest risk for fire elevators in the case of intervention by Fire a Rescue Force, • pointed out a frequently made defect in the reconstruction of elevators.
Anniversary of the Department of Fire Protection (Zvolen, 23th February 2023)
Department of Fire protection was founded 25 yeras ago (1997-2022).
Continuing the celebrations of significant anniversaries at the Technical Univertity in Zvolen in 2022, they were the 260th anniversary of technical higher education in Slovakia, the 215th anniversary of forestry higher education in Slovakia and the 70th anniversary of forestry and wood sciences higher education in Zvolen, was ceremonial meeting of former-employees and current employees of the Department of Fire Protection. Part of the celebration was the presentation of the results achieved in the past, an overview of the current state of the department´s development and the presentation of visions for the future.
A new approach to determining the fire and accidents investigation the condtions of Slovak republic (Zvolen, 7th March 2023)
The Department of Fire Protection in cooperation with the Wood Congress invite to the workshop „ A new approach to determining the causes of the fires and accidents in the conditions of Slovak republic 2023“ . They give information about new trends of fire investigation.
Events in the past
Fire Science University fo Children
Advances in Fire and Safety Engineering 2022
Scientific seminar
Colloquium on th project No. VEGA 1/0454/20
A nech approach to determinin the fire and accidents investigation the conditions of Slovak republic 2022
Advances in Fire and Safety Engineering 2021
Advances in Fire and Safety Engineering 2020
Safety and Security Sciences
Advances in Fire and Safety Engineering 2020
Scientific, research and praxis newsreel in field Safety and Security Sciences
Sofware ANSYS iin field Safety and Security Sciences
Events in the past
Florian days
Heat - Fire - Materials 2019
Advances in Fire and Safety Engineering 2019
and others
Earth in a Trap? 2018
Advances in Fire and Safety Enigineering 2018
6th International Scientific Conference on Fire, Enviroment, Work Enviroment and Intergrated Risk and/or the 16th International Conference on Fire and Explosion Protection
and others
Fire Protecion, Safety and Security 2017
Advances in Fire and Safety Enigineering 2017
International seminar - project IVF no. 2160132
Iron Fireman
Consultation with a study counsellor
Dear students!
◾Do you have any questions about your study plan, course and study completion?
◾ Do you want to prevent problems that may threaten your optimal “study tour”?
◾Do you need any advice on solving the unfavourable situation in a specific subject, study year or study degree?
Take the opportunity to consult with your study counsellor, prof. Bc. RNDr. Danica Kacikova, MSc., PhD.
◾To the study issues, provided subjects respectively, after the e-mail communication (,
◾Usually every Thursday 1:00-3:00 pm or based on agreement.
Professional training of fire protection
Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic – Presidium of the Fire and Rescue Service according to § 12 par. 1 of Act no. 314/2001 Coll. on fire protection, as amended, issued the Technical Univerzity in Zvolen – Department of Fire Protection an authorization valid from January 1, 2023 for carrying out:
- basic training of members of fire brigades
- basic professional training of fire protection specialists
- refresher professional training of fire protection specialists
- basic professional training of fire protection technicians
- refresher professional training of fire protection technicians
- basic professional training of fire prevention technician municipality
- refresher professional training of fire prevention technician municipality.
The Department of Fire Protection provides the above mentioned professional trainings to persons interested in the issue and professionals in the practice of fire protection as well as the graduates study program Fire Protection and Safety in I. and II. degree of study. It issues them a confirmation on passing the fraining, which they can apply the for the professional qualification of technician and fire protection specialist at the relevants institutions based on.
Contact person and other information:
assoc. prof. Ing. Eva Mračková, PhD.
Department of Fire protection
Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology
Technical university in Zvolen
T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 01 Zvolen
Tel.: +421 45 5206 831 (+421 45 5206 476)