Forestry 5.0 is a key sector of Industry 5.0. It stands for a new generation of efficient and sustainable forest management and exploitation in which climate change aspects are addressed and actions to create new forest values for the development and social transformation are promoted. The overarching aim of this project is to provide advanced AI-based XR tools for Forestry 5.0, addressing three different yet complementary application areas: Teaching, Learning and Environmental Awareness. These applications are in turn instrumental for the rapid acceptance and a wide adoption of the upcoming Forestry 5.0 transformation.
The specific objectives:
- To implement and deploy an AI-based tool to automatically generate high-resolution images of real forest environments suitable for the creation of 360° panorama shots and VR simulation.
- To implement and deploy an AI-based tool for the generation of fictive, virtual content simulating the process of decay or the effect of catastrophic fires in a given forest landscape and/or for simulating forest regeneration for teaching and training.
- To implement and deploy an AI-based tool for automated classification of tree species.
- To develop a mobile application for:
- easy capturing and sharing of low resolution pictures of forest landscapes, trees and leaves;
- showcasing the capabilities X-Alfy tools for the generation of virtual and augmented visual content.
X-Alfy brings a new technological dimension in the creation of realistic virtual content by exploiting AI-based models; and applying such technology in the forestry sector.
The proposed tools also have significant potential in other industrial sectors and may open doors for other advanced applications in Industry 5.0.
Partner organisations: Venaka TreLeaf GbR (Germany) , Technical University in Zvolen
TUZVO coordinator: prof. Bc. Ing. Andrea Majlingová, PhD., MSc.
Start date: 01.01.2024
End date: 31.12.2024
Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme.
XR2Learn aims to establish cross-border creation of human-centric XR applications in education.
The project will deliver its one-stop shop platform, organised as a Digital Innovation Hub, for all actors involved in the XR-based educational applications supply chain, aimed at enhancing training in manufacturing and distance learning scenarios.
By leveraging the European XR industry technologies to empower immersive learning and training, XR2Learn platform will bring XR technology providers, application designers, education experts, application developers, end-users and decision makers in direct access to communicate, collaborate and matchmake interests enabling also bottom up innovation creation.