Comprehensively prepared experts
Employees of the Department of Fire Protection
Be an expert for safety
Study possibilities
The Department employees provide and teach the profile subjects related to burning of materials, materials reaction to fire, fire safety of buildings, safety of technological processes, crisis management, tactics, technical resources, organization and management of fire and rescue services. The graduates are in the employ of the Integrated Rescue System, especially in the Fire and Rescue Service, in the state administration, public administration, in organizations, legal and physical bodies involved in the protection of persons and property, or rescue works, as specialists for evaluation of fire protection and safety systems. Based on the issued accreditation certificates, the Department of Fire Protection has a permission to provide professional education of technicians and specialists in the fire protection field, municipality fire prevention bodies as well as basic training of fire brigades members.
Anniversary of the Department of Fire Protection (Zvolen, on 23. February 2023)
19 Apr 2023Department of Fire Protection was founded 25 years ago (1997-2022) Continuing the celebrations of significant anniversaries at the Technical...
Department of Fire ProtectionFaculty of wood sciences and technology
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 065